Children's Issues In Divorce

Florida law perceives and treats children as individuals deserving of and entitled to protection and dignity. Florida child law is an extensive field that addresses the varying needs, rights, and privileges of minors, as well as the responsibilities and rights of parents. For all child-related issues, such as adoption, child abuse, child custody, child relocation, child support, and general court procedures, it is best to rely on the experience and guidance of a family law attorney with The Law Offices of Silverman, Mack & Associates. Schedule a consultation to discuss your family law case today.


Adoption is a sensitive process for biological parents, children, and those looking to adopt. There are a myriad of factors that are considered during adoption evaluation procedures. Some of these may include an in-depth analysis of the adoptive parents’ physical and emotional well-being, financial and living conditions, as well as long-term employment and educational opportunities. Even if an adoption agency approves the adoption, there are often lengthy delays and extraneous procedures.

Our family lawyers understand every facet regarding the adoption system in Florida. If you are a parent who is planning to allow other people to raise your child, we can help you evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of the situation. If you wish to adopt, our Gainesville attorneys can help you navigate the adoption system so that you are fully knowledgeable of your rights.

Child Support

Child support is a court-mandated program that requires a parent to make monthly payments to the co-parent for the purposes of providing for the child. Many factors such as the income, debts, assets, and real property of both parents are considered when determining child support eligibility.

Because there is much stigma associated with child support, it is advisable that parents wishing to gain monetary assistance from the co-parent discuss the issues with each other first. Afterward, a family lawyer may assist with filing a request for child support and providing proof of need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a child support attorney.

Child Custody

Child custody allows divorced, unmarried and/or otherwise separated couples to co-parent. While there are many different types of child custody, typical time sharing arrangements appoint one of the parents as the custodial parent, thereby making that person primarily responsible for the child’s health care, education, and living arrangements. For assistance with gaining child custody, an attorney can help you understand how to properly file documentation and present yourself in a family court of law.

Emergency Motions Regarding Children

When unforeseen circumstances or tragic events occur, sudden or emergency changes in a child’s living arrangements may become necessary. If you must file an emergency motion for child relocation or child custody, you should contact our law firm as soon as possible. There are rigid deadlines and constraints involved in gaining emergency motions, and legal representation may help your process run smoothly and quickly.

Child Relocation

Unmarried parents have to be careful when making both household and employment decisions, as sudden changes may impact the well-being and development of the child. When a custodial parent determines that he/she must relocate with a child, compelling evidence and documentation must be presented to a court of law to support the claim that the relocation is both absolutely necessary and will not harm the child.

Family courts seek to uphold the well-being of the child and they recognize that the healthy presence and interaction of a child with both of his or her parents contribute to a positive upbringing. Therefore, an attorney who specializes in family law may be vital to parents seeking to relocate with children for guidance and assistance with proving the necessity of a relocation.

Children Testifying

Testifying within a court of law can be intimidating and frightening for children. Young children often do not fully comprehend the events that may have led up to their need to testify or how their stories will impact their situation. Some children feel compelled to avoid answering questions because they fear that if they say the wrong thing, someone may be harmed or become angry with them.

When faced with situations in which a child is present in court, it is best to hire a family lawyer to assure your child that testifying and telling the truth will not cause him or her any harm; help your child understand that bad behavior must be corrected through the legal system; and help your child to present his or her story in a clear and confident manner.

Child Abuse

Child abuse may occur in the form of neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or general exploitation of youth. When a child is abused or neglected, he or she can be harmed in numerous ways. Studies demonstrate that abuse contributes to poor self-esteem and a general sense of worth. If you worry, suspect, or know that your child or another child has been abused, contact an experienced family lawyer in Gainesville. You will need evidence of abuse, expert testimonial support — from teachers, child psychologists, and social workers, for example — and assistance with gaining information from child victims.

Child’s Preference

It is important to avoid diminishing the desires of the child during court proceedings. During a divorce, for example, a child may prefer to live with the parent that is not established as the custodial parent. Such consideration of a child’s preferences hold special significance as it may prevent a child from experiencing guilt, depression, anger or uneasiness.