Uncontested Divorces

A divorce does not always have to be a difficult and expensive process. Sometimes people are able to agree to the terms of their divorce prior to litigation. At the Law Office of Silverman, Mack & Associates, we refer to this process as an “uncontested divorce.” It is important to note that an uncontested divorce does not refer to a situation where both parties want a divorce but to a situation where the parties are able to agree to the terms of their divorce prior to the beginning of litigation.

However, just because you are able to agree to the terms of the divorce does not mean that you should forego the services of an attorney. It is important that you get the terms of the divorce down correctly in the settlement agreement. Some issues such as the distribution of assets and debts are not modifiable; which may mean that you are unable to go back and change the terms if it turns out that you unintentionally agree to a situation that is not beneficial.

Additionally, it is important that you have financial disclosure before you agree to the terms of your divorce. At the Law Office of Silverman, Mack & Associates we will get sufficient financial information for our clients to make an informed decision about his/her case and to allow the attorney to give informed legal advice. Once we have sufficient financial information, we will draft an agreement that protects our clients’ interest and meets the requirements of Florida law.

There are many different issues in a dissolution of marriage situation, such as the time-sharing arrangement for the child(ren); child support; the distribution of assets and debts; and alimony just to name a few. By hiring an experienced family law attorney, our clients benefit from our attorneys’ many years of contract preparation and litigation experience to avoid situations before they have become a problem for our clients.

Even if you believe that you and your spouse can agree to the terms of your divorce, it is important to hire an experienced family law attorney to prepare the agreement relating to your dissolution of marriage. The family law forms prepared by the legislature do not sufficiently protect your interest in most circumstances. If you would like a free initial consultation with one of our family law attorneys, contact the Law Office of Silverman, Mack & Associates.