Parenting Coordination

Keeping Your Children First

Parenting coordination is a child focused alternative dispute resolution process to resolve parenting disputes between two parents. The focus in parenting coordination is always on the needs and best interest of the child. Parenting coordination may be used during litigation to deescalate situations, help the parties to communicate better, resolve disputes, and lessen the financial burden of litigation. It may also be helpful to use parenting coordination in lieu of litigation either before a situation has escalated to litigation or at the end of litigation to help the parties implement a parenting plan and resolve other issues surrounding the co-parenting process.

Parenting coordination is different from mediation because there is an ongoing relationship between the parenting coordinator and the parents to continually resolve disputes and aid the parties in better communication for a better outcome for the child(ren). The parenting coordinator will work to educate the parents about child development, the effect and impact of parental behavior on children, parenting skills, and similar skill-building processes. Furthermore, unlike mediation, the parenting coordinator has some decision-making authority to help the parties resolve de minimis issues at least until a Judge can make a ruling on the issue. The parenting coordination process is confidential so the parties can feel free to brainstorm ideas and resolve disputes without fear of the communications with the parenting coordinator having a negative effect on the court case.

If you would like to work toward a better co-parenting relationship for the benefit of your child(ren), contact Silverman and Mack, LLC about parenting coordination.